Sarah Sue was a girl who
was pretty just on the outside.
Leila Lou was pretty too,
especially on the inside.

Billy McGee had eyes to see
that saw only as far as the surface.
Tommy Joe had eyes also,
which saw to the heart of a person.

So Sarah and Billy got married,
and Leila and Tommy were wed.
Both pairs were well matched
and equally yoked,
and here is what they all said:

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“You marry a person,”
counseled Leila and Tom,
“much like the person you be.
We only find fault
when we look in ourselves;
in the other, 'tis beauty we see.”

“I married a dud,”
groaned Sarah Sue
as she wiped her tears with a tissue.
“Look who's talking,”
Billy Joe said with a glare;
both overlooked their real issue.

So young ladies beware:
in addition to hair
take care to mold who you are.
And young men be ye warned:
though looks may adorn
a heart's beauty outshines looks by far.

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